Kevin’S Story

Back to High School weight at 63
Before Beneve, I was tired and feeling run down, at 62. I was wondering How I was going to make 72. I hurt bad as I injured, my hip when I was young kid playing football. Due to that my left leg took all the pressure for years and my knee hurt all the time and my back was wrecked from my fused hip. walking had become short trips and having to stretch and sit.
I start using Beneve products on the 9th of Dec 2024. The next day I quit drinking coke. Previously, and I drank 3-4 cokes and coffee a day for years. I couldn't believe I didn't have any cravings after I stopped. I haven't had once since. Also, my wife and I move around alot better! I walked my dogs around the block without any trouble. This is something I had not done in 6 months. Oh almost forgot, my birthday is the 16th of Dec and I've lost 10 lbs and feel 10 years younger thanks to the trio and wellness trio.
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